Tuesday 31 July 2012


A Bulawayo man has been arrested after he forced himself on his 13-year-old daughter whom he claimed to have married under the INSTRUCTION of his dead wife.
The girl (name withheld) is a Grade six pupil at a primary school in Cowdry park.
It is reported that the man (name withheld to protect the identity of the minor) has ben staying with his daughter since his wife died in 2009. According to a source, sometime last month, the man allegedly had a dream of his wife ordering him to marry their daughter. The man then told some of his relatives about the ‘instruction’.
“They did not agree on what route to take as the issue was complex. Some of them were of the opinion that he adheres to the order while some dismissed it as unacceptable,” said the source.
Early this month, the man decided to obey the order and ‘married’ his daughter in a ceremony attended by his close confidantes.Like what is expected of ‘married people’, the man thought it wise to get his daughter under his sheets.
The man then told his daughter/wife that it was time to indulge. This was not taken kindly to by the man who forcibly pushed her to the floor and went on to force himself on her.The girl then told a relative about her ordeal and was taken to the police station, the man was arrested and found himself standing before Western Commonage magistrate facing rape charges.
“I am married to her. She is my wife. I acted under the instructions of my dead wife, ” he said. The man was, however, remanded in

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