Tuesday 31 July 2012

Drinking and Driving!

Did you know--------The "Environmental Engineering News" published some rather sobering information about punishment for drunk driving convictions in other countries.

In Australia, the names of drunk drivers are printed in newspapers under the caption, "He's drunk and in jail."

In Malaysia the driver is jailed and, if married, the spouse is jailed.

In the United Kingdom, Finland and Sweden there's an automatic jail term of one year.

In Turkey, drunk drivers are driven twenty miles out of town and forced to walk back ten miles.

In Bulgaria, a second drunk-driving conviction results in capital punishment.

In El Salvador, your first offense is your last -- execution by firing squad.

From the August Road & Track.


Anonymous said...

dude you crazy

Anonymous said...

what if your caught in nigeria what would happen @alex

Anonymous said...

you would be shot @the spot.lol

Anonymous said...

you would be robbed even by our thief security

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

nice blog mehn

Anonymous said...

have you been caught before?@alex ,how do you know all this?lol!judith