Monday 13 August 2012

Was Kim Kardashian’s Sex Tape Deal Brokered By Her Own Mother?

Guess we will never get rid of the ghost of ’s sex tape in a hurry as it is back again in the news.
A new Star Magazine report swears played an integral role in the release of her daughter’s with in 2007, as an insider tells the tabloid:
“Kris was totally involved in arranging the sale of Kim’s tape… The video already existed, and Kris was there every step of the way as a middleman brought in to market it to an adult entertainment company.”
Both Kris and Kim, of course, have long denied any role in the release of : Superstar with the latter whining as recently as last year that the incident filled her with shame.
How could a mother be so self centered and greedy as to want to make money off her daughter’s sexcapades? Indeed, money is the root of all evils.


Anonymous said...

what kind of a mum is that

Anonymous said...

money is indeed evrything to the mum