Monday 10 September 2012

#Real talk

Whats even the meaning of the word 'Real"?well the Encarta dictionary says genuine and original, not artificial or synthetic....but is that the actual meaning of that word?personally i think everybody has their own definition of the word,but i say been 'REAL' is simply 'BEEN YOU' by been you i mean by doing anything you wanna,anything you feel like,anything you enjoy,like for real people *Yolo*(You only live once)believe that or not,and been 'Real' should be a way of life y'all,now that's about that.......i hear people everyday talking about making it in life,been this and been that,but all that has to start with us individually...but before i talk about all that lets talk 'winning'whats your definition of winning?u can use the Encarta dictionary to define that word,me!'winning' is when your doing what you've always wanted to do,happy about it,and the people around you are been affected positively by that Lil wealth or whatever your getting from that Lil thing you do.....the only to make it to the top,is if you making it from the start not necessarily big,but just try your best to make it from the bottom aka the starting point...i mean winning is cool but it comes 1st with believing in God and self believe,2ndly,determination,3rdly,you just have to have a target.....i mean.y' one point of our lives we should start asking ourselves questions like,'WHO DO I WANNA BE?'    'HOW DA F%$K DO I WANNA END UP?'4real dough and when you make it people DON'T GIVE A FUCK ABOUT WHAT PEOPLE SAY ABOUT YOU....if you reading this right now and you cant answer those questions,then am sorry to say this 'YOU LOST'.....FINITO...YOU FINISHED.......4 me.......i wish this was a vlog right now but AMA start that up real soon,but y'all imagine reading my lips right now(no homo)'I AM GOING TO BE GREAT,RICH,WEALTHY,A BOSS,'AND I DON'T KNOW ABOUT Y'ALL......GOOD AFTERNOON PEOPLE....GOD BLESS Y'ALL...........


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